Titan Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity products are not enough.

Expert cybersecurity services are required to check and test defences, to monitor systems for threats on a 24/7 basis, to train employees and to help acquire important certifications. But in-house Security Operations Centres (“SOCs”) are very expensive to set up and maintain. In addition, testing should often be independent.

Cybersecurity Services

Titan Data Solutions are pleased to offer specialised professional and managed services for our resellers and MSPs to supply to their customers, from highly certified external SOCs with large talent pools of vetted experts.

For smaller organisations which are now looking to understand and address their cybersecurity risks, we can offer a package of services including Security Audit, vulnerability scanning, Cyber Essentials Plus certification, penetration testing and phishing simulation with training.

For organisations which are planning to move to a new level of IT Security by adding 24/7 threat monitoring and remediation, we can offer remote managed services from highly qualified SOCs based on leading software platforms. Whether the requirement is “Managed SOC”, “Managed SIEM”, “Managed Security Services” or “Managed Detection and Response”, our services provide a 24/7 capability to quickly pick up potential security breaches that have occurred, analyse them, triage them, and react in a way that is agreed in advance with the client.

By eliminating false positive detections, adding context and understanding to threats, and even carrying out agreed responses on the customer’s network, the SOC absorbs a large workload and supplies expertise in depth. Managed SOC packages can also include other types of services including continuous vulnerability assessment.

For organizations of all sizes, the outsourcing of cybersecurity services in these ways can now be a crucial step in optimizing future cybersecurity expenditure against the overall level of risk reduction achieved, within a sustainable long-term resourcing strategy.

Opportunity for our Customers

No Upfront Investment

A zero-investment method for Titan’s resellers and MSPs to resell advanced cybersecurity managed and professional services from a comprehensive range, which is provided by a set of accredited specialist service providers.

Easy To Do

The cybersecurity service providers are selected, contracted and managed by Titan Data Solutions.

Recurring Revenues

Excellent reseller margins on the service packages, and future annuity business as well on contract renewals.

Secure Contract

A comprehensive services reseller contract, including options for the service provider to take responsibility for providing the services to the end-customer, or else to an MSP for resale to its customer (eg for an MSP offering hosted services).

Full Pre-Sales Support

From Titan Data Solutions, so that resellers do not need to add any technical support capability (note: after the sale, the services are self-supporting).

Managed & Professional Services

Enable the reseller and MSP to provide service-based solutions for a wide range of cybersecurity requirements, providing a new level of protection including 24/7 cover.


Resellers who do not offer their own cybersecurity services at all, Titan’s service packages represent an opportunity to develop new business and satisfy more of the end-customer’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity needs. Titan organises the presales support and implementation, while the SOC provides the services. In this way, resellers can easily start to sell recurring cybersecurity service contracts, without expensive investments in technical support resources.


Titan’s service packages can be built into the overall MSP service offering for end-users of all sizes, extending cybersecurity services cost-effectively and rapidly in important areas such as 24/7 MDR (managed detection and response), vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, Cyber Essentials certification, anti-phishing simulation and training, and other professional services.

Titan's Cyber Solutions

Stamus Networks - Network Detection & Response (NDR)

Discover how Clear NDR will allow you to uncover and respond autonomously to hidden threats and unauthorised activity lurking in your network.

ThreatLocker - Zero Trust Endpoint Protection

Learn about the importance of endpoint protection and how your customers can protect themselves with their innovative approach.

Whalebone - DNS Security

Discover how Whalebone Immunity can help your customers eliminate a cybersecurity blindspot within their security stack.

Case Study

Cyber Essentials with Automotive Company


An accident repairs company needed Cyber Essentials certification but wanted some help with the submission. Connected Systems Solutions, their MSP, ordered in a specialist via the Titan Cybersecurity Centre and the professional services were delivered 11 days later. The specialist resolved customer issues and went the extra mile to help with the submission itself – leading to successful award of the certificate.

Kevin Harvey, director of Connected Systems Solutions Ltd, commented. “Everything went like clockwork from beginning to end. Titan Data Solutions took time to understand the customer requirement and were then fast and flexible in delivery – leading to a successful result and a happy client.”

Start generating cybersecurity services revenue today. Get in touch.

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